
What enriches Boost is the mobilisation of the many people and organisations that work alongside our young Boosters. They each make a significant contribution.

The founders

The King Baudouin Foundation

Over 150 young people supported in Brussels

Launch of Boost Brussels, in 2011

The King Baudouin Foundation’s mission is to contribute to a better society. The Foundation is an actor for change and innovation, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion in Belgium and Europe. The Foundation seeks to maximize its impact by strengthening the capacity of organizations and individuals. It also stimulates effective philanthropy by individuals and corporations.

The Foundation’s current areas of activity are poverty and social justice, philanthropy, health, civic engagement, developing talents, democracy, European engagement, heritage, development cooperation and sustainable development in Africa and developing countries.

Concerned by the obstacles that all too often face talented youngsters from underprivileged backgrounds, in 2011 the King Baudouin Foundation decided to launch the Boost program in Brussels. Today, the Foundation is responsible for the central coordination of the program and its various local variants and it continues to support Boost Brussels.

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The Sofina Boël Fund for Education and Talent

Almost 200 youngsters supported in Liege and Antwerp and launch in La Louvière in 2019

Initiator of the deployment of the program in other cities from 2012

Created by descendants of Gustave Boël and the Sofina Holding and managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, the aim of the Fund is to support the education and training of talented young people in Belgium by awarding individual grants and providing support to other organisations with similar objectives.

As much at a human level as materially, the mission of the Sofina Boël Fund for Education and Talent is to offer talented youngsters further training opportunities in a number of fields. In particular, it aims to focus on the transition from secondary to higher education for talented pupils from underprivileged backgrounds.

In 2012, the Sofina Boël Fund for Education and Talent decided to launch and develop the Boost for Talents program of excellence in Liege and Antwerp. It is thanks to this partnership that the program, which initially existed only in Brussels, was able to be successfully developed in other cities. The Fund’s vision has enriched the entire Boost program. To date, over 200 young people have been supported by the Fund in Liege and Antwerp.

Spurred on by the program’s success in Liege and Antwerp, in 2018 the Sofina Boël Fund for Education and Talent decided to extend development of Boost for Talents to other cities. In 2019, La Louvière is joining the Boost for Talents network.

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Our partners

Thanks to several privileged partners, young people in other cities are benefitting from the Boost program. We are extremely grateful for their support. Together we are working to develop the program and increase its impact. A number of specific local contributions are made by each of these partners.

National Bank of Belgium

Partner since 2020

By supporting Boost, the National Bank of Belgium is making a commitment to Brussels’ youth. Recognised for its inclusive vision and its focus on sustainability in all its activities, the National Bank is now supporting the success stories of dozens of promising young people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. In 2020, the Bank will become one of the privileged partners of the Boost programme by supporting new cohorts of young French- and Dutch-speaking talents in Brussels. Through this support, the Bank will significantly increase the chances of success of these young people’s academic career and subsequent entry into the job market.

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Belfius Bank & Insurance

Partner since 2020

As a 100% Belgian bancassurer, Belfius wants to be a creator of meaning and inspiration for the whole of Belgian society. This is why it has launched the Future Funds, which invest in order to respond – each in their own way – to the major challenges facing society. One of these major themes is equal opportunities. And it is through this theme that Belfius supports Boost. In fact, part of the management fees of investors is paid to Boost in order to support its actions in favour of young people, and thus to enable them to obtain a diploma that will facilitate their entry into the job market. This is a way of encouraging Belfius customers to support companies that offer innovations that benefit everyone, while supporting major social causes.

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The Collibri Foundation

50 young people supported in Brussels

Brussels partner since 2014

Social engagement and entrepreneurship are high on Colruyt Group’s list of priorities. To make young people more independent, broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge, Collibri Foundation supports various training projects in Belgium and in economically developing regions.

The Foundation supports education projects for young people in difficult situations in Belgium and in developing countries. Collibri wants young people from the North and the South to connect with each other through the exchange of ideas and cultures, their ambassadors form the bridge between their project, the partners, and the young people.

The Collibri Foundation often links the projects it supports with the implementation of sustainable chains, with the products of these chains destined to enrich the product range on offer in the Colruyt Group’s stores. Active in several countries, Collibri aims to stimulate active citizenship among the youngsters it supports and to bring together youngsters from the northern and southern hemispheres.

Concerned with supporting underprivileged youngsters, the Collibri Foundation has been actively supporting Boost Brussels since 2014.

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Skills sponsorship in Antwerp

Partner since 2012

Nike has actively supported the Boost program in Antwerp since 2012. As part of its CSR policy, Nike assigns one of its employees for one day every week to mentor two groups of young Boosters. In addition, a number of other initiatives are conducted for Boost by members of Nike’s personnel, including visits to its logistics centre, the organisation of inter-city sports days, the sponsoring of internships at Sporta and the participation of inspiring people.

Nike supports numerous projects around the world aimed at helping youngsters to fulfil their potential and have a significant impact on society.

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The Strandschelp Fund

Partner since 2021

The Strandschelp Fund supports young people in West Flanders who have fewer opportunities due to their social, family or financial situation. The Fund invests in young people in the fields of education, entrepreneurship, culture and sport. The Strandschelp Fund was created by the King Baudouin Foundation in accordance with the wishes of Mr Fernand Reyngoudt (1931-2019) from Ostend. Thanks to this valuable support, the programme could be launched in Ghent and Ostend in 2021.

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Moore Foundation Belgium

Partner since 2023

Moore Belgium Foundation, established in 2022, aims to create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to realise their full potential and make informed decisions. It actively supports initiatives aimed at fostering opportunities for learning, growth, personal development and promoting awareness and well-being. Moore Belgium Foundation believes that this promotes healthy choices not only for individuals, but also for society as a whole, for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

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Vanbreda Risk & Benefits

Partner since 2020

Vanbreda wants to position itself as an important player in the support of young talents from socio-economically underprivileged backgrounds. Therefore Vanbreda decided to support the Boosters from Antwerp in their preparation for their entry into the labour market.

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Partner since 2022

Candriam backs initiatives that help young people to grow in each stage of their development, to ease the obstacles that could jeopardise their future. The Institute supports long-term projects, encouraging the development of young talents.

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Digital for Youth

Partner since 2023

Digital for Youth aims to bridge the digital divide in Belgium, and help all children and young people between the ages of 6 and 25 to overcome it. In collaboration with other social organisations, Digital for Youth is working to give these young people access to digital equipment. In doing so, Digital for Youth aims to awaken their interest in technology and develop their skills.

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RGF Staffing Belgium

Partner since 2023

RGF Staffing Belgium is part of global player RGF Staffing, one of the world’s largest HR services providers, with activities in Australia, Asia, Europe and North America. By contributing to their stakeholders’ values to bet on passion, wow the world and prioritize social value, RGF Staffing Belgium creates opportunities for life: for employees, companies, governments and society at large. By maximizing young people’s chances of success, Boost for Talents and RGF Staffing are also focusing on future generations.

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Donor funds

With the precious support of the Pierre François Tilmon, Pierre van der Mersch, Philippe de Dorlodot, Baudouin van Bastelaer, Vandewynckele, David-Constant, Dewez, Steldust, Führungskräfte für Ostbelgiens Zukunft, Le Compas, Génération Future, Ernest du Bois and Crahay Funds, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation.

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Other donors

Our thanks go to all the other donors and organisations that support the Boost program in various ways, such as through language courses, fund-raising for our project, individual support, event sponsoring and so on.